Different worlds

The silence awakes me
My heartbeat would so easily reveal me
Who am I what is left is it my mind
That constantly deceives me

I am beginning to doubt me
If what I feel and see is real
It seems as if I exist in different worlds
There is one in darkness
One is loss of time
One of self-doubt and one of hurt

All my pride has left me
My value as a human has been extinguished
My close ones' those who love
Disbelieve me won't believe me
So I got no-one to confide in
And what worse is
I'm beginning to accept this
My body's become my prison
My keepers are what you would call...

I am beginning to doubt me
If what I feel and see is real
It seems as if i exist in different worlds
There is one in darkness
One is loss of time
One of self-doubt and one of hurt

Postat av: svar på din kommentar på min blogg (voff;)

Du spelar roll och jag är glad att du finns kvar<3<3 Jag hoppas att hur dåligt eller bra vi än kommer må och vad som än händer, att vi alltid ska vara vänner. Du bor i mitt hjärta<3

2008-07-31 @ 17:37:04

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